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Confusion seems to abound among non-lawyers and, unfortunately, some lawyers about the various roles people or institutions can play in typical estate plans. Clients often question what it means, for example, to be appointed the personal representative of an estate. Below are some very general descriptions and duties of fiduciary positions to which people or institutions are appointed in the process of the administration of an estate. There are other fiduciaries, but these roles are the most common and spawn the most questions. Linked below is a more detailed description of the duties of the PR quoting various but not all relevant Minnesota statutory provisions.

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This project will also include three market-rate units along with ground level retail space on Taunton Avenue. All of these housing units will be owner occupied which will also include live work space options. New home and apartment construction will help control surging home prices. These rising prices have made it increasingly difficult for many residents to afford adequate housing.

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